Naturopathic Screening

Naturopathic Screening

Naturopathic Screening

The original Naturopathic screening was performed around 400BC by Hippocrates. He wrote “In whatever part of the body an excess of heat or cold is felt, the disease is there to be discovered”. In his time, Ancient physicians of the Golden Age were known to employ a primitive form of Thermology. They would apply thin mud slurry onto their patient’s body, as the compound dried patterns of hot and cold would emerge by different rates of drying. 

Medical thermography is best known for imaging and assessing breast health, but also has a wide range of other applications due to its ability to view inflammation. Inflammation is a precursor to many diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and cancer. Whether looking at the lymphatic or cardiovascular systems or looking at specific areas of concern like the oral cavity or breasts, a thermogram views these as one system, the whole body.

A black and white photo of a woman 's chest and neck
A perfect example of this connection is the relationship between oral bacteria and systemic diseases. This upper body thermogram exemplifies how the oral bacteria spread through the lymphatic (immune) system and can enter the breast. In this case the pressure from the inflammation is forcing the fluid into makeshift channels within the breast tissue. Restriction to the lymphatic (immune) system will create local pools of stagnancy. This includes bras, poor posture, injuries, scar tissue, and sitting. Anything that can slow or stop lymphatic flow may be a culprit. Thermography can identify areas of congested lymphatic function due to their thermal vascular pattern .
There is never a better time than the present to make lifestyle changes consistent with cancer prevention, even if you are completely healthy! Research constantly shows us new ways to improve our lifestyle and increase its immunity. It has been our experience that early stage cancers may respond to these changes. 

CT Thermography is happy to share our network of partner doctors if you need a recommendation.

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